Creating Space for Discipleship Every Season of the Year
Grindstone Lake Bible Camp is embarking on a new journey to build a multi-purpose, four-season building that will significantly expand the ministry of camp. We invite you to join us as we build a new Discipleship Center! Read on to learn more about this exciting project.
Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”
-Matthew 28:18-20
-Matthew 28:18-20
WHY DISCIPLESHIP?Discipleship is at the core of what it means to follow Jesus. It goes beyond simply learning about Him or gathering information, it’s about transformation, becoming more like Christ in every area of life and helping others do the same. In Matthew 28, Jesus commands His followers to “Go and make disciples.” This is not just a suggestion but a calling for all followers of Jesus. Grindstone Lake Bible Camp seeks to intentionally fulfill this command and equip individuals within community to live out their faith boldly in their homes, churches, schools, and communities.
Discipleship requires time, space, and intentionality. We are seeking to build a new building that will be used for the purpose of making disciples. Through worship, prayer, Bible study, and shared experiences, campers and staff can develop spiritual habits that extend far beyond their time at camp. Join us as we build the Discipleship Center! |
Project Details
Grindstone Lake Bible Camp’s property currently sits empty for about nine months each year, and the current housing for our summer staff is in need of significant repair. Constructing this four-season facility will expand GLBC's ministry to reach people with the life-changing Gospel of Jesus Christ all year! The building will provide a much-needed improvement to our summer staff housing and will allow us to serve retreat guests in the non-summer months, creating space for intentional discipleship and spiritual growth in every season. In addition, the ability to host groups all year will create a new source of income to help cover GLBC's current year-round operating expenses.
Project Scope
The new Discipleship Center will be a multi-purpose, four-season building with:
Summer camp Impact
Year-round Impact
The Discipleship Center will expand GLBC's ability to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ, cultivate deeper relationships, and create additional space for intentional discipleship!
The total projected cost of this project is $TBD. We need to have 75% of funds in before we can break ground.
Phase 1: Plan
Collaborate with architects to design the Discipleship Center, and secure the necessary permits and certificates to begin construction.
Phase 1 Costs
- Architects: $28,000
- Building Permit: $TBD
- Septic Certificate of Compliance: $TBD
- Total: $TBD
Phase 2: Build
Demolish the old office and first aid buildings, prepare the site, and construct the new building.
Phase 2 Costs
Phase 3: Fill
Fill the Discipleship Center with all the furnishings and equipment necessary for operation. Design and decorate the interior to create an inviting, functional space for ministry.
Phase 3 Costs
phase 4: Use
Begin hosting groups and cover ongoing utility, equipment, and staffing costs until the building becomes self-sustaining.
Phase 4 Costs
Get involved
Your support will transform Grindstone Lake Bible Camp into a four-season facility, creating space for discipleship all year round!
This project presents the biggest financial goal in GLBC's history. The projected total cost of the project is $TBD. We need people like you who believe in what God is doing at Grindstone Lake Bible Camp to step out in faith and help in the following ways:
PrayWe know that "Unless the Lord builds the house, those who build it labor in vain" (Psalm 127:1). Please join us in praying for all aspects of this project, as well as the future impact this building will have.
GiveFinancial partnership is essential to see this project become a reality. Your recurring or one-time gift will have a lasting impact on the future of Grindstone Lake Bible Camp and the Christ-centered ministry that will take place in the coming years. Please give as God leads, above and beyond giving to your local church.
VolunteerIf you are a skilled laborer, would you consider donating your time and effort into the construction of this project? While we intend to hire contractors, we can reduce the total financial cost of the building and stretch ministry dollars with the help of skilled volunteers and at-cost suppliers.